Productive Practices For Staff Adaptation

Enterprise is improving its staff training and development system. At present, the key objectives of this activity are: professional development of the workforce, recruitment of graduates in specialized fields, the introduction of staff growth and development, mentoring programmes. The Institute of Mentoring receives special attention. The individual mentor shall be attached to each for a period of practice, internship, adaptation.

The staff training and development system includes several areas:

  1. Training of employees to ensure that their qualifications meet the requirements of supervisory bodies (Rostehnadzor, State Watch and others).
  2. Advanced engineering training.
  3. Training of the enterprise ' s personnel reserve.
  4. Development adaptation systems Young professionals and mentoring.
  5. Training (jointly with specialized educational institutions) in substantive and related fields.
  6. Organization of summer production practices for technicians and technicians in the factory (technical and/or manufacturing fields).
  7. Tours for schoolchildren, technicians and junior technical college students in the enterprise ' s production facilities.

A staff member may develop his or her career horizontally by expanding his or her skills in the selected industry and vertically by moving to higher posts.

High staff qualifications are key to the success of the enterprise. The enterprise ' s training and development is an important part of its business process and is a tool for achieving the enterprise ' s strategic and operational objectives.

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