Labour Motivation Criteria

Action without purpose is pointless, meaningless action. (C. Marks)

To develop a motivation system, the starting point is a real staff assessment: who, and how, discharges his or her functional responsibilities, what is the payment of the work done, how to assess the contribution of each and, on this basis, propose possible ways to improve their performance. This is an analysis of the situation with a view to identifying the suitability of staff to the functions performed. The next step is to develop a motivational system, taking into account its specific characteristics in the enterprise and the individual competencies of the staff.

Look at the most interesting, practically. staff assessment and motivation

Enterprise staff assessment system

The staff assessment system will look at the example of an enterprise where a real wage management system has been established and is in operation, depending on the financial situation of the enterprise, where a mechanism is in place to deal with the employment of staff on the basis of workload, and the pay-as-you-go system provides for the promotion of staff in the form of an increase in remuneration for improving the performance of the enterprise units. But the employees of any structural unit, because of their individual differences, perform their production functions differently.

In order to differentiate workers from work results, a single system of evaluation of the performance of each job is needed. The system should have a positive impact on the motivation of the organization ' s workers, help them adjust their attitudes to work and improve their quality.

The enterprise ' s system addresses the following challenges:

  • Determine the insufficient competence of the worker and, on that basis, plan his or her vocational training or retraining;
  • Identify the strengths and weaknesses of workers, their professional qualities and plan on this basis professional growth and career;
  • Make informed decisions on remuneration, promotion, dismissal of workers and thereby improve the efficiency of the entire organization.

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