Methods Of Psychological Motivation Of Staff

Социально психологические методы управленияContents of the article

Staff management is one of the most important activities in any enterprise. A well-designed management system can significantly improve the company 's performance. There are many aspects in which the issue is addressed, including socio-psychological management.

Need to develop management methods

The working process involves establishing social, economic, legal and psychological relations between the employer and the employees of the enterprise.Психологические методы управления The main purpose of improving such relations is to create a comfortable working environment for company employees in order to maximize their performance.

To date, many enterprises have not fully exploited their potential. This issue has previously received very little attention, as there have been Soviet administrative and command management. Today, in every company, management has developed a staff relationship system almost from scratch. One of the reasons for the need for well-defined socio-psychological methods of governance is the rigid competition in the current market economy.

In the near future, the psychological factor is expected to be more important in the relationship between the supervisor and the employees. In this regard, there will be a significant increase in the demand for professional psychologists, whose responsibilities will be to create an optimal psychological climate in the collective, and to advise company staff.

The retention of skilled workers in the enterprise will also be a major task for psychologists. This is a pressing need today, as very often there is an active change of staff. Retention methods will be required to retain staff in the workplace, encourage them to work, strengthen linkages between individual employees and between subordinates and managers.

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