Staff Adaptation System By Example
The modern market structure dictates strict conditions for employers and employees. The former have to reduce costs, often reducing the cost of staff and trying miraclely to preserve at least the best part of it by gaining cheaper force and by investing in new adaptation efforts. The latter either adjust to the circumstances in the old company or seek new jobs. At the same time, adaptation processes are particularly relevant for both, and the successful organization of which facilitates the early entry of the worker to the point of profitability.
Traditionally, the adaptation process is interpreted as adapting the staff member to the content and conditions of work and the immediate social environment. It is necessary to reduce the time required by the new staff member in order to reach a new location and begin to work with maximum impact.
The adaptation system thus benefits both the new staff member and the company ' s management. Use of well-designed adaptation systems The person who recently came to the company feels better in the new place, and the management gets the best of his job. Adaptation is a process of mutuality: a person adjusts to a new organization, an organization to a new person.
The continued productivity of the new staff member and his colleagues [7] depends largely on the smoothness of the process.
The condition for shortening the professional and personal self-determination of a staff member is that the personnel policy of the organization meets the career objectives of the employee. Adaptation cannot be seen as a separate, isolated process that is not linked to the personnel management system of the enterprise.
The formalized adaptation procedure is an integral part of the enterprise management structure. The development of an adaptation model requires provisions on divisions and office instructions. These are based on the development of adaptation standards and evaluation criteria.
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